Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Progress Report Time

Well, we're already half way thru the first nine weeks of school, so that means progress report time. The kids brought them home yesterday and I couldn't be any more happy. Hunter is doing so well this year...he is just so stinkin' smart! He has a 103.25% in Spelling; 100% in Social Studies; 100% in Science; 101.67% in Reading; 95.71% in Math; 93.62% in Grammar. I am so proud of him. Of course Ty, being in Kindergarten, doesn't get any "grades". It's just the basic he does his work...and he is really smart, he is definitely following in his brother's footsteps in that regard. On the other hand, there is this small little section on his progress report labeled "Behavior".......Ok, so you all know my child and know that this his not his strong point. There was a little check beside the "Needs Improvement". Well, DUH!!!!! I could've told you that! :)


Dallas Family said...

Ummm...Ty never got the "needs improvement" check mark when he was with me!! :) Glad to hear he is doing well!

april said...

When did they start giving out grades that were better than 100%??!! That is definately something to be proud of!! Good job to BOTH boys :)

Sarah said...

If "needs improvement" is all Ty got, he must be doing ok! At least you haven't had to go up to the principal's office...yet....Ha! You know I'm just kidding - Ty is a great kid!