Saturday, April 25, 2009

Crawl, Drag, & Squirt

This weekend the Conway Fire Department hosted a charity basketball game and a crawl, drag, and squirt competition for the kids. The kids that finished first in their age division get to do it again at Toad Suck Daze next weekend. So.....both of my boys get to do it again next weekend! They are so pumped about it. They had the best time.
After that, the basketball game started. It was the CFD against the Power 92 Jammers....(I'll pause for a moment to let you laugh)....Do I really need to tell you the outcome of the game??? The Jammers spotted the CFD around 80 points and we still lost by 32. Go figure! They all had a good time anyway.
Sadly, I was sick with an upper respiratory infection and UTI, so I didn't get to go and see all the fun. Hunter took the pictures of Clay playing, so of course in most of the shots, Clay's head is cut off!
On a brighter note, only 25 more days of school left! Woo-Hoo!!!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

And so it has begun...

Baseball season, that is. Oh yes, baseball season is in full swing around here. We spend 4-5 nights a week at the ballpark, not to mention countless hours at the batting cages. You would think I would be use to all of this chaos by now, afterall, this is Hunter's 4th year to play. But, this is Ty's first year, and this is our first year to have TWO boys playing ball. I had no idea how much more time it would consume with just one more playing, but boy, it sure does! Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade these days for anything else in the world, but it does wear on you after awhile! I love watching Hunter play, but I've got to admit, the little guys are just so much more fun to watch! You never know what they're going to do next. Plus, they just look so stinkin' cute in their little uniforms!

(I know these aren't really good pictures, but I keep forgetting my camera in the mad dash to actually be at the park on time! I'll try to get some better ones and post them later.)

Monday, April 13, 2009

Soon to be Hall-of-Famer

Hunter's baseball team played in their first tournament two weekends ago and placed second in their age division. They won every single game until the championship game, where they lost to the Greenbrier Cardinals. I have a feeling next time they will be coming home with that first place trophy!
Way to go Vilonia Cardinals!!!

Happy Easter

Yes, I know I'm a day late saying it, but it has been a crazy busy weekend. We didn't even dye our Easter eggs until Sunday afternoon. Slacker, yes I know! We had dinner with Clay's family Saturday night and then lunch with my family Sunday after church. Of course since it was raining, we didn't get to hide Easter eggs, but my kiddo's weren't really that into this year, so that suited them just fine! Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Guess Who's the Big 3-0????

CLAY!!! That's who! Man, I can't believe he's that old...I sure am glad I'm not NEAR as old as he is! Happy Birthday Clay!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

***Happy Birthday Bubba***

It's hard to believe that Hunter is 9 years old today!!! I feel like he should still be a toddler running around the house in his diapers! Oh, how I long for those days! Now it's all about video games, baseball, and guns (toy guns of course!). He hardly has any time for his Mama anymore.
I am so proud of the little man he has become. He is so all around great kid! Happy Birthday baby...We love you!!!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Absolutely Worthless

That's exactly what I've been today. Ty is at home sick....{sigh} I've been looking for something productive to do with myself while at home today. Of course I didn't know I was going to be home today, so of course the house was cleaned, the dishes were washed, and the laundry was done and put away. Now what??? After sitting at my computer for hours this morning {being completely unproductive} I decided to start a couple projects of my own. First I made an Easter wreath. No, it's not one a would hang on the front door of my home, but it is pretty cute on my side entry door!

As I was digging in my cabinet of goodies for the Easter ribbon, I came across some cute zebra print ribbon I had completely forgotten about. That's too cute not to use, so I kept digging for something to do with it. After finding a red tin bucket, and some rub-on letters, I knew what I would do.

I thought it would be cute to put on my desk at work and fill it with candy! Yummy!

So then I moved on to the boys room. It's been a work in progress for awhile now. I just keep adding and changing things up in there. I finally decided what to hang on my big empty wall in there today and this is what I finally decided on...

Since I was taking pictures of the boys' room, I thought I would share them with you and you can give me any ideas you might have! see this empty spot on the wall beside the window??? I really want to paint a tall pine tree on there. I just haven't got up the nerve to try painting on the walls yet. {April...I may need your help on this one!}

Oh, and as for the sticks on the floor, they are soon to be a curtain rod. I'm waiting on Clay to cut the antler's off of a deer he killed last year so I can use them as the brackets for the rod. I think it will be super cute when I'm done!

I'm addicted...

To all of these inspiring, crafting, home decorating blogs I have stumbled upon. I found them last week while we were on Spring Break, and it's been hard to pry me away from the computer ever since. If you haven't looked at any of these, you should check them out. I have a few links on the right side of my blog. I'm sure I'll be adding more as find them. So of course now, I'm in the redecorating mode. I have ideas for every single room in my house...I'll be sure to start posting them as I finish. Oh yes...and now I have a reason to yard sale. So I'll be up and about at the crack of dawn on Saturday's from now on looking for beautiful treasures for my home.