Last week at school, the boys' computer lab teacher told the kids about three little puppies she rescued from a brier patch near her house. They had been out there no telling how long with no food or water, they were covered in ticks and fleas...they were just about to die. She said it took them two and half hours to get these sweet little puppies loose. Can you imagine??? It makes me cringe to think how someone can do something like that to an innocent little puppy. She took the puppies to the vet and had all their shots, dewormed, and treated for the ticks and fleas...she just needed to find a home for them. My boys were the first to tell her that they were going to take one home. It took a little convincing on Clay's part, but he finally gave in. We went and picked him up last night, his name is Trooper. We think he is part Lab and part Border Collie, but were not 100% positive. It doesn't matter what he is anyway, the boys love him all the same!
Oh, he looks so sweet!! The boys look SO happy :) I like his name, too!
Oh Gosh...Taylor came home telling me about the same 3 puppies!! I'm glad they found a good home and not ours :)
Ok - he is such a cutie!! I bet the boys will have a blast with him!
So cute! I bet the boys are so excited! Love his name!!
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